Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wisconsin State Fair

It was a fair of many different types of food, people and missing toothed carnies from all over the dairy saturated state of WI. I went with my cousin and her family on a hot and humid day; where no matter what you do or don't do, you sweat in places you never knew could sweat. There were the many vendors of pizza, ice cream, and of course cheese curds on every isle. The smell of fried food, farm animals and cigarettes filled the air...a good sign that you're at the right place.
I have heard about the prized cream puffs that "are like no other cream puff you have ever had." I'm always up for trying something new, but didn't have much of a thought that it would be "heaven on earth" as everyone had said to me before. Now having tried it...yes it is a puff of something great. The Wisconsin Bakers Association cream puffs are light and airy which makes you fully believe indulging in the sweet treat will have no effect on your calorie intake. When you first take the first bite of the cool puff it almost has a cooling affect on a hot summer day. I was happily surprised that the cream was not too sweet that went well with the light layer of powdered sugar on top. The outside had a nice texture of flaky airy golden goodness that compliments the cream inside well.
Now I am one of those foodies that strongly believe that you can fry nearly anything and it will be good...that definitely was the case with the fried peanut butter and jelly. All this time...why didn't I think of something like this? Crispy on the outside with a light layer of powdered sugar with warm creamy peanut butter and grape jelly...almost like a jelly doughnut but a tad bit better. It was so rich and almost would have been better with some vanilla ice cream on top...but hey...I'll take what I can get for $3. Then at the same tent I tried chocolate covered bacon...a scary thought at first... I do like chocolate (a lot) and I do love me some bacon...but together...not so much. I will give it to the guy that came up with the innovation, but I would stick with the pb & j for now. The crispy bacon is doused in dark chocolate mixed with sea salt...which makes it sweet and salty, but almost too salty and not enough sweet.
The state fair was fun and full of different animals and fried culinary experiments with greasy carnies lerking about. I definitely would go again...just with more water for those hot summer days and salty fried morsles.

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